No, Sweat! : Darryl Agawin

No, Sweat! is a 3-piece workspace furniture set designed by Darryl Agawin, that can transform into exercise furniture. No, Sweat! can be used wherever desk work is done; from the company office to a studio apartment. This set is designed for everyone, as exercise is important for all ages. No, Sweat! benefits those interested in fitness, yet have not joined a public gym or unable to purchase dedicated home equipment due to a lack of space or finances. In the same fashion that the 1980s Memphis style design was a postmodern response to Bauhaus’ Form follows function, No, Sweat! proves that one does not need fancy, modern gym equipment in order to have a full body workout. No, Sweat! provides a mental and physical break from the work day and gets people moving.


Text © Darryl Agawin | Photography ©


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